28 May 2022

Change In The Circular No 2021/12 On Customs Services To Be Provided In Trade With Syria

With the amendment made in the Circular No. 2021/12 on Customs Services to be Provided in Trade with Syria; 4. Excluded from the list of used tires, tea and sugar, which are included in the list of goods that will not be subject to customs service during their export and/or transit to Syria. It has been added to the list of goods subject to permission.
Rows added to List 3 on 23.05.2022:

Used Tire (Export and Transit)
Tea (heading 0902 and 0903) (Transit)
Sugar (heading 1701 and 1702) (Transit)

Within the scope of Circular No. 2021/12, applications must be made directly to the General Directorate of Customs and used motor land vehicles must be over ten years old.

Except for humanitarian aid activities, applications regarding the said goods must be made directly to the General Directorate of Customs within the scope of the Circular No. 2021/12.

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