24 June 2022

Application Process of The Transition Document of Vehicles Passing Turkey

Based on the information conveyed to our Association by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, General Directorate of Transport Services Regulation;

Submission of the customs officer name, stamp and signature sample of the “Transit Accompanying Document with an Item List attached and an MRN number, or the IRB numbers of the Export Accompanying Document attached to the companies that will request a transit document pursuant to subparagraph (c) of the first paragraph of Article 5 of the Transition Document Distribution Principles Directive”. specified requested.

On the other hand, due to the developments in Ukraine, there has been an increase in the transportation made by our transporters through transit from our country. It is also stated that there are companies that cannot obtain a transit document because the name, stamp and signature sample of the customs officer is not included in the Transit Accompanying Documents, and that an increasing number of vehicles are now waiting at the border gates.

In this context, since the Transit Accompaniment Documents issued by the countries party to the Common Transit Agreement, whose departure customs office is outside our country, are provided directly by the entry customs administration, the assignment of a transit document without requiring the customs officer’s name, stamp, signature, etc. in these customs documents. was deemed appropriate accordingly.